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Capability and Capacity

Value and Sustainable Engineering Solutions

The Art of the Possible through Collaborative Open Approach 


What sets C&R apart is our refusal to believe that any project is impossible.  

  • Remediate any brown or blackfield site

  • Reuse or recycle the majority of the waste materials in any demolition project

  • Meet every possible requirement no matter the environmental sensitivity.


Not only do we have an established reputation for delivering on budget and on time, every time, but our decades of combined experience enable us to bring innovative and alternative, value engineered solutions to the table, for our clients to consider. We don’t believe it is enough just to follow the brief without offering clients the benefit of our experience and expertise. 


But don’t take our word for it. Here’s what a few of our clients have to say: 

“There has been an incredible amount of work advanced behind the scenes to accelerate delivery since planning permission was granted; seeing visible progress on site with initial challenging remedial works via our collaboration and negotiated appointment of Civil and Remediation Ltd is major milestone successfully achieved. C&R’s understanding of the pre start regulation and planning requirements was instrumental in our gaining approval to commence. The Material Management and re use plan set out reduce disposal and import by over £350,000.0 from the enabling cost and reduce Construction Works disposal to nil off site at a further £750,000.00 and delighted the Council and Environmental Regulator on the reduction of over 730 lorry movements”  

Catherine Chilvers, Development Director, Network Space 


“C&R provided a first-class service on our Phase 1 at Mersey Reach, Aintree. The approach was excellent though tender and form start to finish, accommodating of our needs and many of the wider complexities associated with developing contaminated derelict site near to local residents.” 

Ian Johnson - Project Manager, Chancerygate 


“Please pass on my thanks for your efforts in mobilising this scheme and getting some excellent progress. Impressed with the team and the management of the project process around the pre start agreements planning discharge, communication with the regulators and especially the design alternative approach, this has reduced the enabling cost programme and more importantly to our Council funding partners it’s a sustainable reducing lorry movements in and our of this bossy Salford City area    ” 

Phil Kerridge - Project Director, Peel Developments (This scheme won two NWCA Awards, Innovation and Sustainability)  


“I should like to say, on behalf of the City Council, how impressed we have been with the remediation works across the whole of the site and your weekly update reports most useful bite size records pre post works Validation. The Council has noted we have not received any complaints from residents, visitors or employees from surrounding commercial and industrial units on this large 30-week duration scheme. That is a remarkable achievement on a remediation scheme of this scale, and it is a testament to how well the works have been controlled and communicated by you all.” 

Martin Dye, Senior Officer - City of Wolverhampton Council 


So, how do we operate? 

Typically, we operate on a design and build basis, or offer alternatives to a conforming tender. We do not simply price client issued tender documents then seek to over recovery on “errors and or change” following award. (We are Engineering Solution lead and don’t carry any QS staff)  



We have wide expansive experience around, Contaminated land Design and Regs, Geotechnical, Environmental and Civil design including temporary works and Site 3D modelling and measurement. We design cost and programme to provide effective and integrated solutions that comprise of a Remediation Strategy Implementation Plan (RSIP) and delivery of Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and Material Management Plans (MMP). Our tender cost is for delivery of the project needs. (Not just a cost of client issued tender documents) with our design and regulation knowledge our alternative or design and build integrated engineering solutions make our bids competitive, (in the last 3 years negotiated 87% of turnover as repeat business via cost management and reduction value to client)  

We adopt a balance site and material processing and reuse strategy to meet contaminated land regulations, and enable the production of a site-wide Materials Management Plan, (MMP) of maximum re use.  We ensure the engagement of an Environment Agency (EA) Qualified Person is approved. Further to that, we arrange for EA approval and supporting Pre-Start Planning Discharge, followed by ongoing site monitoring and validation of each stage up to completion to ensure EA sign off. We have evidence of site wide Validation in less than 4 weeks from Completion as a Company Standard. 


What we will do we be bespoke to your project and we will provide case studies to showcase our specific areas of expertise that are in line with the scope of the Tender.


How we collaborate with clients and our trusted supply chain partners  

We are neither adversarial nor contractual in our approach, as we recognise the all-round benefits of openness and collaboration. That enables us to make improvements, and create savings from integrating design options and solutions. When we price work it is to deliver it, and not tendering client documents as a means to hide later introduce hidden costs or variations. 


We are transparent in our dealings with both clients and subcontractors. We are committed to an open book approach, and table cost savings to build strong trusting relationships based on technical knowledge, experience and delivery - to seek to inspire all parties to benefit from trusting relationships that provide value engineering and better whole project solutions and the cost savings and benefits from repeat business.  

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